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As soon as I saw the "non-jump scare" quotation marks I knew this was a lie. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the concept and execution of Abyssal Reflections - in a small underwater research facility three men with questionable backgrounds are gathering samples (presumably) from the ocean floor. You play as a service droid that cleans up after the men over the course of several weeks. Each man has their own attitude to the robot (who I called Bob in my playthrough) and things start to take a drastic turn for the worse when they collect a sample called NL-X...

Some notes:

I would have loved to spend more time interacting with the three men - to create more empathy and connections with them. I think this has a great concept and could be expanded on with some time to get to know each men - why does Thomas have such a grudge against the robot? Richard is wary of everyone but he could come out of his shell a bit later on...I think another couple of 'scenes' may have been required - when things start to go off the deep end it escalates quite quickly. 

There was a door that didn't seem to open - are there multiple endings to the game dependant on certain choices made?

I soft-locked in the 'robot charging station' and had to restart that particular week. May need to see if this can be fixed if other people are experiencing the same encounter. 

Spoiler: Why did the robot attack one of the men? I was left with some questions regarding that.

Overall - a great concept that harkens back to some of the great sci-fi films of the 80's, mixed with a thoughtful and poignant ending...


Jen tak dál!

We are a garbage cleaning robot that is treated like garbage

tem um chave do jogo para eu fazer vídeo?

yep here

Muito obrigado e vou torcer pelo sucesso do jogo!

varri o chão e peguei o lixo, mas não consigo fazer mais nada. Tem algum tutorial?

logo no início, há uma instrução, há objectivos que precisam de ser cumpridos naquele momento, de facto, da mesma forma, faltaram diálogos que também são necessários para realizar 

right at the beginning there is an instruction, you have there objectives that need that moment to fulfill, in fact similarly you missed dialogues those are also needed to perform 

descobri um bug. Temos que entrar na cápsula depois de cumprir as tarefas, mas não estava dando opção de clicar nela (fiquei tentando muito tempo e finalmente consegui passar para o próximo objetivo).

Estou jogando há horas e estou na parte em que não podemos virar as costa para um cara... Acabei desistindo e vou tentar de novo mais tarde, porém o click para interagir com as coisas está um "pesadelo", está muito ruim (por favor receba como crítica construtiva).


ok, vou adicionar uma atualização com o cursore